Living Space / Multi-story residential / TINTA Award Honorable Mention

连贯性,互动与自然和谐融为一体 – 这是设计师设计此住宅时所坚持的核心原则。该项目关注实现这对新婚夫妇与宠物,空间与自然之间的和谐关系。选址靠近大树林,突显了这对新婚夫妇对现代城市生活和亲近自然都有一种两栖般的亲和力。

设计重点不仅放在赋予室内各个空间鲜明的个性上,还在于促进它们之间的连通性。这在底层的活动区尤为明显,原有的墙被拆除,换成了一系列的开口设计、空间与窗户。引入了新的功能性隔断来定义空间,而不切断联系。例如,在房屋中心引入了一个上下透空的电视橱,即划分出客厅与餐厅也增加了层次定义,也同时保留了开放布局的通透感。 这样一个开放式布局并非随意,而是考虑到了他们心爱的宠物与未来孩子的需求,这对夫妇设想他们能够自由、安全地在屋子里漫游。通过利用半高玻璃隔断,还精心在电视柜旁划分出了小型宠物专属区。

餐厅的特色来自于一个占主导地位衔接餐桌的中岛台和一个朝向禅式花园的外院景观。餐厅其大小适合喜爱接待来宾聚餐与分享喜乐的空间。最初紧邻餐厅的封闭楼梯墙也被打开,露出了”天井光影”,为底层活动区带来了全新的视角。 一楼的房间被改造成一个互动区域, 是办公房、娱乐休闲室和健身房的组合。这些相互连接的空间配有工作台、小吧台和卡拉OK设备,最大程度地实现了工作与娱乐之间的灵活转换。

房子的最顶层是主卧室和一个精品风格的步入式衣帽间,其设计反映了屋主对时尚的品味与仪式感。 树木乃万物之灵,生命气息极强而又温和。硬质的现有瓷砖大多被工程木材替换,兼顾了长期耐用性、美观和氛围。木工和石材均采用浅木纹与浅米白色调搭配,以最大化房屋的开阔感。 如今,这座住所蜕变成了一片生机勃勃的避世绿洲,静谧中藏着深深的安宁,宽敞间盈满了温馨的聚会欢声。它不仅是一处遮风避雨的居所,更是心灵与情感交汇的港 湾,每一个角落都充满了故事和温度,绘制出一幅家的最温柔底色。

SBID International Awards – Coherence 216

Coherent, grounded and warm – those were the key design pillars LeBeau Interior held steadfastly onto when designing the house for the homeowners of Coherence 216. This project focuses on achieving harmony between newlyweds and their pets, as well as between space and nature. Design emphasis was not only put on giving vivid individuality to each of the interior spaces, but also on fostering connectivity between them. The house is now transformed into a dynamic oasis – quiet enough for respite, and commodious enough for jovial familial gatherings.

Muse Design Award- Coherence 216

Coherent 216, interaction and harmony – those were the key design pillars designer adhered to when designing this residence. This project focuses on achieving harmony between newlyweds and their pets, as well as between space and nature. Located near a large forest, this highlights the newlywed couple’s amphibious affinity for modern urban living and closeness to nature.

Asia’s Top 100 Honesty Brand Award 2020

半路出家设计师 独立创业频得奖

Kingsley Lim(林育民)是Lebeau Interior Design的创办人,他在室内设计行业拥有将近10年的经验,不久前他的设计作品更荣获了设计大奖ATAP Design Awards 2020 Best Talented Rising Star,以及入围Best Design Concept categories。

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